
Is there a law that actually says we have to pay taxes?

by  |  earlier

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i saw a video of some ex irs agents who quit there job because they discovered there is no law that staes we have to pay income taxes?

is there any truth to this?




  1. Yes, there is a law.  It is called "Title 26 - Internal Revenue Code" (Look it up)

    The two agents that you saw were Joe Bannister and Sherry Peel Jackson.  Bannister has been disbarred by the State of California and is currently under investigation by various state and federal authorities.  I believe that he has a website where you can contribute to his legal defense fund if you wish.  Sherry Peel Jackson was convicted of tax fraud last fall and is currently serving 7 or 8 years in federal prison.  You can look her up on the Bureau of Prisons website.

  2. Yes. The law is called the Internal Revenue Code. I cannot remember the actual law section number however it is in the US code of laws.

    Sone cagey individuals have twisted various sections of the language of the Code to mean that US citizens are not required to file because we are all foreign nationals. They always lose when it comes to defending their postition in court.  

  3. Yes, this question has been asked before and answered before.  You definitely have to pay taxes.

  4. The requirement to pay taxes is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, which imposes a tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts as determined by the tables set forth in that section.  (Section 11 imposes a tax on the taxable income of corporations.)

    Furthermore, the obligation to pay tax is described in section 6151, which requires taxpayers to submit payment with their tax returns.  Failure to pay taxes could subject the noncomplying individual to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as well as civil penalties.

    Read more at the link below.


    Nobody ever really landed on the moon - it was a giant hoax. What you saw on TV was filmed in Utah.

    Elvis is still alive, and performing marriage ceremonies in Las Vegas.

    It is unconstitutional for the government to tax your wages (income tax), the 16th amendment was never ratified, and most of what we think of as income isn't really income anyway.

    Excuse me now....I just won 2 million pounds in the online UK lottery when my email was randomly selected, and I have to go answer the email.....


  6. prisons are full of morons who think they don't have to pay taxes. Is that a clue?

  7. no matter where you go, everyone pays taxes, both celebrities and civilians.

  8. I think so.

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