
Is there a law that says that if its at night and a police car turns on its flashers, that you can keep going?

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To a well lit area i mean? Can they still charge you?

I'm a new driver and i've heard about 'fake cops' rapeing girls and killing them and stuff. My mother said you can just turn on you emergency flashers and slow down until you get to a bright area?

Is this true or would they .... like taser me? or something?




  1. That's a lot of BS you're getting there.

  2. What you are suppose to do in this situation is call 911 and the dispatcher will get your location and verify that this is a real police officer that is behind you and then the dispatcher will contact the police office and tell them about this and then you can drive to a well lit area or even to your home........


    They had this on dateline...............

  3. If a cop is pulling you over, he is behind you and has those lights flashing, you don't have to stop immediately. It's ok for you to find a good place to stop as long as he knows you're cooperating. That is, you look at him in your rear view and slow down.

    As long as you're being reasonable you should be ok.

    If you're on the freeway, it is ok to exit it. No one likes to have to stop on the freeway.

    It's ok to drive to a well lit area.

    It's probably NOT ok to tell the cop you were afraid he was going to rape you...





  4. No such law. You must stop immediately. Failure to do so, depending on why you are being stopped is at least a traffic offense and could easily be a felony.

    Yes, there are a few fake cops out there but that isn't a valid excuse. You decide on your course of action and you live with the consequences.

  5. No such law.  

    Still, do what your mother says.  they won't taser you unless they perceive you as a threat.

    But do expect 2 or 3 more police cars to arrive and they'll get real, real serious.  You might have to explain yourself over and over.

  6. never heard of such a law.  but if i don't feel comfortable about pulling over i would drive to police station and call 911.

  7. It would be pretty hard for someone to taser you as you are driving. But, yes, if you put your hazards on you can drive to a more populated or brighter area before fully pulling over. I have heard on the news that you are supposed to do that, so I don't think it is illegal as long as you don't drive more than a mile or two.

  8. I guess njmotorc doesn't understand that you might not live to see the circumstances.  This happens all the time.  In fact, in my own neighborhood a girl thought she was being pulled over by a cop, but instead the person raped her, stabbed her, and left her for dead.  Luckily she survived.  I think the best thing to do in this situation is to slow down and call 911 to make sure that it is a real cop behind you.  Or at least go to a well lit or heavily traveled/populated area.

  9. If they're 'fake cops' they probably won't have tasers, as the Taser Corp is pretty good at controlling who they sell to...

    In general, the law says you must pull over " when it is safe to do so".  Obviously a narrow, dark road in the middle of the night is not all that safe - slowing down and continuing on until you reach a lighted space should be all right.  It depends also on why you're being pulled over - if you just robbed a bank and are fleeing with the loot, then expect no mercy.  If you're 'merely' speeding, then you probably have more leeway to find a safe spot.

    Best advice - obey the law while driving!  Don't speed, don't drink and drive, and if a police car turns on its flashers behind you, pull over as soon as is safe, lock your car doors and roll down the window an inch - enough to pass through your licence, not enough to pass through your arm - or his arm.

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