
Is there a law that stops an inderviduel from having his/her dentist to take all their teeth out for false one

by  |  earlier

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someone i know is in agerny with tooth ache but was also born with bad teeth and he wants to take them all out and have false ones put in is there any law to prevent this? does he have the right to have this done?




  1. He has every right to have this done if he wishes

  2. Is the other person a minor? If not just look for a good dentist. If they want implants that is MAJOR money. just go for the false ones that can be taken out at night.

  3. It was common place in the 1960's and 70's, but is frowned on now as it's labelled as 'Cash For Extraction' so is much rarer now.

  4. I don't see why not - it's his mouth and if he is having problems with his teeth I dont see any problems

  5. yes but can be costly....get p*ssed up and pick a fight with a big guy or women and get em knocked out

  6. As long as he pays the dentist for the extractions and the replacements....wont be able to have it done on the National Health service...assuming you are in UK...and from your spelling I presume you are.

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