
Is there a law which says that when a vehicle is parked at least two wheels must be on the pavement?

by  |  earlier

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I think such a law must exist as where I live over half the drivers park partially on the pavement and the police seem to ignore this.




  1. The police will only deal with this issue if the car is causing an obstruction. If you for example cannot get a pushchair / whhelchair past or if I cannot walk along the pavement holding my childs hand I would phone the police and suggest to them they deal with it if resources allow. If the car fully blocks the pavement then suggest that they move it immediately in case there is an accident caused by the obstruction.

  2. hi you

    it is even worse where i live there is a law which states that the hole can be on the pavement when it is a no parking zone i wish the police would wake up or get glasses they also cant see driver on mobiles to

  3. How long before we get path rage with angry mothers charging along with tyre slashers  mounted on their pushchairs.?  I`ve had to put narrow handlebars on my bike to enable me to carry on riding down footpaths blocked by cars.

  4. I would doubt that very is a new one to me....Pavements are for people....roads are for cars....

  5. the law is ..... no parking on pavements....unless roadsigns are shown to allow parking on the pavement.  Pavements are for pedestrians and also occasionally cyclysts where a cycle path is indicated on the pavement rather than the road..  Normal street parking does not include lawful parking on pavements....however the authorities tend to turn a blind eye to the problem unless someone complains because of the vehicle being a hazard or emergency vehicles are unable to pass.  Many times as a parent of twins with a twin buggy I had to go into the road to walk because of parked vehicles.

  6. It's actually illegal and the police do tend to ignore it because roads are so crowed that it is a case of what is practical.

    The two wheels on the pavement enable emergency vehicles to get through. i don't often see two prams being walked abreast.

    How old are you? I'm 67 you sound as though you are 97 with nothing better to do.

  7. You're lucky.

    Where I live the whole car is parked on the pavement, and even driven on the pavement.

    I go mad when I see the driver because for one thing i have to walk in the road with my dog and also my council tax is going towards the pavements repairs.

    It's not a police matter but the council ignore it.

  8. There is one, But it is only working in Northampton.

  9. Could find anything on this issue in the DMV!

  10. could be Highways Act 1980...

  11. It is illegal and the coppers are a waste of space.

  12. There may be a law but I dint know where you are from to research it, call either the dmv office or the police department and ask.

  13. yeah there is a law to this you can get a fine for parking on the public highway but its up to the police to do this its weather that the cars are a danger to the public by being on the path or being any obstruction then the police will do something about this

  14. It does your swede in don't it! Trouble is there would be so much paperwork involved for the coppers they can't be bothered with it!

    It is against the law unless there are parking zone signs saying you may do so. These can either be signs with a pic of car with 2 wheels on, or signs with all 4 wheels on.

    To be honest, the way the motorists drive round here, i'm greatful when they are parked up, cos then at least they aint trying to kill me!

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