
Is there a lawyer in the house?

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My boyfriend might go back to his ex-girlfriend if things don't work out between us. My concern is that if he has visitation with our daughter I am afraid of him taking her around his ex who is known to be violent(has even had charges laid against her in the past). If he did take her around that woman would it be within my rights to ask for him to only have supervised visits at his parents?




  1. yes...

  2. From a lawyer.  If you are not married he has no rights to visitation even if he pays child support.  He would have to file a paternity suit to possibly get visitation and then you could bring up the ex-girlfriend for the judge to consider.  If you are willing to permanently give up your right to child support you could file a Motion to Terminate Parental Rights against him and end his legal relationship to the child, he would never get visitation.

  3. "If he did take her around that woman would it be within my rights to ask for him to only have supervised visits at his parents?"

    If you two are not living together then he is entitled to visitation as ordered by the court. (And, of course, obligated to pay the child support they order too)

    At the custody and visitation hearing you can ask for whatever restrictions on his visitation you want to. It's up to the judge to listen to your reasons why his visitation should be limited, and his reasons why it shouldn't, and make a decision.


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