
Is there a legal penalty to letting someone use your address to enroll their child in a elementary school?

by Guest55611  |  earlier

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A child in North Carolina, with a disability, needs to attend a particular elementary school. The child lives just a few miles outside the county where this school is located and where I live.

Can I "legally" let the child's single parent use my address so this child can receive services from the required professionals? If not - what would my penalty be for doing this?




  1. Oh Dah ........... if you have to ask then maybe its you that needs to go to school ......

  2. people have been doing it for years

  3. no it is not legal but there is always this little thing called Loop wholes that is where you should start

  4. You would proablably have to declare that the child was living with you, I'm sure there'd be a fine, but I doubt you'd get caught.

  5. There might be a penalty, yuo can call your local sheriffs office if you really want to know. It's best to call from a cell phone if you're really concerned. I'm not sure, it might depend on the services. If it's a different county, then yes, I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

  6. It's called "fraud", it's a felony, and yes, there is a legal penalty. A severe one, in fact, since it is a felony.

    Your address and mail going to it falls under federal jurisdiction.

  7. Think about it. If it were all well and good, why don't you just start selling your "address" to everyone who wants to go to that school? "wanna goto this school? I'll let ya use my address, pay me 20 bucks!"

    or maybe, you could start letting random people use your address to get drivers licenses in your state.. etc. etc. etc.

    (are people really this stupid these days?)

  8. Remember .. Voting  districs . School districs { not in Indiana .} but if you get caught  you will have to pay extra for books , transportation Ect.. But Why not be honest  and tell them ahead of time and  pay the extra in advance ...It will be cheaper in the long run..{ What about the MORAL penalties , And the fact that { YOUR FRIEND} is teaching the young child  bad ethics?

  9. The legality of the situation would be defined by local laws.  You should seek the advice of a local court officer, such as a judge.

  10. I don't get it. If I have my mail go somewhere other than where I am living (such as a mailing address) it's a felony?

  11. You could possibly be charged with a felony for fraud.

  12. Hey Sweetie, is done all the time.  The parent though has to show their name on a bill, or something to that effect, to register.  Tell your bud though, go to the school district office.  All school districts allow permits for "outside the area" students.  As far as the local authorities coming to slam the cuffs on you...............slim to none!

  13. For starters:

    A- Admit that you're doing a good thing


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