
Is there a legitimate reason why people stick the chewing gum under the desk or table?

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Everyone I know unanimously agrees that it's nasty. So why is it that under every desk and every table there is always at least one wad of chewing gum stuck to the bottom? If people know that it's nasty and they hate it when people do it...why to they do it???




  1. Laziness.  You would think that they could take a few steps to the garbage and dispose of it properly.  It is very gross.

  2. Because alot of people can be real a**holes : ) They probably think it's funny that someone is going to accidently stick their hand on their spit wadded ooey-gooey gum. I was waiting in line one day for a ride at cedar point and their was a gum collage on the reachable ceiling above our heads. Yummy

  3. No they are just rude and lazy.

  4. cuz they are to lazy. and dont wanna get up.

    i stick my gum under the table at school so i dont get cought.

    then a few weeks later i take i from under the desk and chew it agian.

    but the flavor is no longer there.

  5. People are too lazy for their own d**n good. They can't be bothered going over to the bin so they just shove it under the table or chairs.

    Either that or they don't care if other people think it's nasty and just do as they please.

  6. This happens for the same reason that a majority of people pee in the shower, or pool: laziness.

  7. Some people are too lazy to get up and find a trash can.  

  8. the reason they leave it there is so that some innocent person comes along and finds it and it ruins their day. it happened to me in a restaurant .sitting at the table i found it after i had made an order by the time my meal came to my table i felt sick .the owner said you have to pay you ordered.i said no you have to clean or you will get inspection he let me leave but i can remenber i never ate for the rest of the day.funnily enough i feel a bit sick now.people who do this are DISGUSTING.

    do you no whats even more nasty people who leave bogies on public toilet walls arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhh i hate them so much

  9. Because they are either.

    1) Too lazy to go to the trash can.


    2) Are not supposed to get caught chewing gum and this is a quick disposal.

  10. theyre animals

  11. Apparently it keeps young children occupied at restaurants.

  12. Because people don't care about anybody else but themselves.  

  13. 1, people are lazy

    2. teachers (dont want to be in trouble)

  14. Probably because they are told NOT to.  It then becomes a compulsion. Like Adam and Eve and the fruit thingy (it wasn't an apple...).

    Love Jack

  15. I guess not everyone hates it.  It must be that they just want the gum gone and have no place else to put it.  I wouldn't go messing around under a desk too much If I were you, there could be boogers under there too...ick.

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