
Is there a life insurance clearing house?

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My uncle had an insurance policy for me but his family and I cannot find it or the policy number. He is now deceased. Where can I go to do a general search?




  1. Well, there is no life insurance clearinghouse.  No one collects the data.

    The EXECUTOR of the estate, can pay a fee and fax the legal papers over to MIB, and they'll tell you which companies received an application on him, in the past ten years.  But if you think the policy is older than ten years, that won't do any good.

    In which case, the executor will have to go to his bank, and get copies of cancelled checks for the past few years, and find out which company he had been paying.

    Or, just sit tight and wait, because if there was an active policy, your uncle would be getting a bill or statement, at least once a year.

    Most people don't keep life insurance in force longer than five years.  Many let it lapse within two.  Only 30% of the people who die in the US, have life insurance in force at the time of their death.  So he very well not have had an active policy.

  2. Under your condition,I advise here for you to have a visit.

  3. Medical information Bureau, You can use there website to get info.  You will need to file paperwork and payment and they will let you know any policies that are out there in your name.  I will attach there link below.  Good Luck

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