
Is there a limit on how much your brain can hold?

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Is there a limit on how much your brain can hold?




  1. There is no known limit, no. Nor have there been any cases of one's brain being "full."

  2. nope

  3. How much information?  I guess no, since you can always learn new things, create new synapses in your brain.  But stuff that you learn will sort of be put in storage or compressed.  So parts of memories may become fuzzy; or if you're playing basketball again after a layoff of a year, it might take you a while to adjust to the speed of the game or whatnot.

  4. Yes the rest goes into the computer.

  5. It's not really a question of how much your brain can hold as it is how much we use of our brains. We don't even utilize 100% of our brains so it wouldn't matter if it ever was "full".

    I know some people who never use their brian but chances are it's not empty.

  6. Technically, yes, there are only so many brain cells, but nobody has even come close to using them all, and nobody ever will.

  7. if you watsh maried with children there is an episode where they fill up kellys brain  but in real life no you cannot fill it up  you rember every thing from the time you were born till the day you die  you store it somewhere and in the rite cercimstances you recall it   now if i onley learned to spell and type

  8. No the brain is infinite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. yeah..there is a limit..but we only use 5% of our brain..!!

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