
Is there a limit to the number of lies a liberal will tell?

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Is there a limit to the number of lies a liberal will tell?




  1. No, it's an endless stream of bulls$#%

  2. No.

    EVERYBODY lies.

    Thing is you conservatives will lie and try and claim that you don't.

  3. yes there is.  the limit is zero.........  to bad conservatives dont have this same limit

  4. Such as?  You make a wild claim, let's hear what you have to back it up.

  5. Possibly...

    "Tune Your d**n Zune"  umm, if anyone answers No to a question asking about limits, then of course the answer is unlimited

    Did you think that one up all by yourself?  Did you pick the red star or the green star from the sticker sheet?

  6. If you're a liberal and you answer this question with a no, the number of lies must be unlimited.

  7. Yes, 1.  And here it is:

    The Republican candidate will also make a good president.....

  8. Always one less than a conservative - they have standards after all.

  9. Liberals can't even begin to approach conservatives either in number or magnitude of lies.  

  10. It's not quantity, it's quality.  When conservatives lie, people die:  For example, Iraq has WMDs.

  11. Apparently not.

  12. Yes

    but the real question is

    is there a limit to the lies conservatives will BELIEVE !!!

  13. Yes, it depends on how many lies a conservative tells. They both lie to combat each other's rhetoric. So if a conservative stops at 100 lies, the liberal will stop at 101 lies and visa versa. Unfortunately, neither stop, they keep going.

  14. Yes.

  15. It's the same number/limit as Conservative lies.

  16. No, no limit at all

    We see that here on an hourly basis

  17. You mean after the one they tell when denying they are Liberal? No...

  18. NO---They are going for a record in the Book of records this election.

    Obama et al opens mouth, tells lie! That is all they have!

    Proud Vet

  19. it's not that they lie, but rather they have a misconceived view of people. They make everyone out to be the victim, and cannot fathom the intelligence of those who take advantage of the system. I understand wanting to take care of children in poverty, but I also see how their programs create more of it (by paying kids to have more and more children). They don't. They give you a thumbs down if you mention that, but it's rampant in that community and the politically correct are scared to tell the truth.

    Many politicians lie, and even many more steal or allow special interests to rule, but the Liberal voter somehow ignores it when their party is in control. Most Republicans vote for smaller government, but the Liberal wants an all powerful, bureaucratic machine.

    Edit: my girlfriend grew up in those neighborhoods. She is black. The kids who thumbs down on here do not have a clue about what goes on. She lived it, and she blames the government for destroying families. Go down there. Volunteer at a mission. I do. 40 years ago there were families and well kept houses. Today, everyone in the ghetto has their hand out, and all the business left because government taxed them out.

  20. not that i have seen in all my years of voting!  and that is true of most politicians, not just liberal Democrats.

  21. the answer is in direct portion the number of correct predictions made by GWB.

  22. Is there a limit to the number of lies a conservative will tell?

    It works both ways, your side has no high ground on honesty, regardless of what the cretins on right wing radio program you to believe.

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