
Is there a list of the worst county jails in America?

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Looking for a list of the worst COUNTY JAILS (Not Prisons) in america.




  1. Guest59956




     I spent 10 days in Marion County. It was like 10 yrs!


  2. yo yo da boyz in marion county is wild. The facility is crappy and boyz real mufuckin country and grown big Marion county stay away bitchs we will eat yo p***y a*s. plus day got 90 mu fuckas in a like half a gym boi small S****y food and sum lazy a*s guards dat dont even let u know when u bail out u gotta ax der fagget asses

  3. Whats the orst jail/prison in the WORLD? I ONly hear of Cook County ILLINOi

  4.  Marion County Jail in Ocala Florida!!!!!!!!!

  5. cook county jail in chicago is probably the worst in the country its pretty much a prison just look it up an ul probably agree with me, have any other jails had a tv special on them that alone should tell u that that place isnt like most county jails

  6. cook county jail in chicago is probably the worst in the country its pretty much a prison just look it up an ul probably agree with me, have any other jails had a tv special on them that alone should tell u that that place isnt like most county jails

  7. Maricopa County. Just a general spaces have been condemned, many times forced in a small room with lots of people to the point of touch (against civil rights), expired food, understaffed and over populated, change of clothes (shirt, pants, socks) once a week, change of underwear and bra twice a week with a rule that you cannot do your own laundry.

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