
Is there a list of what people consider as common knowledge?

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Is there a list of what people consider as common knowledge?




  1. There is no such list, people sometimes feel that common knowledge, and common sense go hand in hand.

  2. There is no list.   There is no need for list.   The common knowledge is nothing but presence of mind.  Whever anything happened or action to take, the presence of mind will come to help on using the common knowledge.  If the presense of mind not worked, there is the meaning that you didn't used the common knowledge.   The common knowledge is the general knowledge.  we know  dos  and  don't s.  This is common knowledge.  if you face someone or if you do some action, the common knowledge will give hand by using presence of mind.

    you can define the common knowledge as general knowledge. if you have common knowledge you can answer anything.  in this, you are using the common knowledge alone.  if we put finger in a live plus, we know it will shock.  This is common knowledge.  if we go outside while raining, we are taking umbrella means too.  common knowledge will come general in nature. The another meaning... this common knowledge is known to all and we are one among them.  This train will come to this station.. this is common knowledge.  The arrival train is known to all.  so, all are having knowledge about general matters.  specifically, no list for it, since it is common knowledge.

    i will explain with an interview a question was asked..what is the dif between mineral and ordinary water.  The guy doesn't answer for which the boss told him to use your common knowledge and answer.  This is common knowledge.

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