
Is there a litmus test designed to tell if your entire life is a lie?

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Is there a litmus test designed to tell if your entire life is a lie?




  1. just dont tell anyone.....we ALL have naughty dark secrets.....Life is Life and this is not a lie

  2. Oh Kenny, I have a saying about reverse proctology, and it goes a little something like this--

    "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  Fool me a third time, you're not gonna fool me again.  Fool me again, and I'm divorcing you."

  3. There is, yes. I myself wanted to find this out too. But let me tell you how it went before you decide to do it.

    They take you in a small room with huge one way glass on one whole wall. They strap you to a table on your tummy. They then insert the probe. Let me tell you, it was scary huge. Then they walk to the one way glass and bow and shake hands with each other. Out of the corner of my eye I could see one guy juggling tennis balls. Once they finish up their meal and sign gift cards and then bow once more to the glass they come back and rip out the probe. It hurts, (and I just wish I could have at least removed my jeans first). That's all you need to know about that. Then they hand you some napkins from McDonald's, (they have like a STACK of them in the corner) and they stand around and wait for you to use them. Once you do, you leave the room, and they take you to another room where there are mice in cages and cats sitting around the cages. I guess that is supposed to be symbolic of something, but I didn't know what. Then after a few hours they bring you a sheet of paper. The paper has your results, written in crayon. Mine said, "INCONCLUSIVE". So I pretty much wasted my time and money. It wasn't cheap either. I wish I hadn't done it. It's better to live with the lie.

  4. Yes. You don't want to take it though.

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