
Is there a little bit of United Nations forming in every person through global communication on the Internet?

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I have benefited by the widom of counless people on Yahoo Answers, and I myself try to contribute the best I can to the discussion. Would it be possible in the future to have a place in the normal mind reserved for universal ideas unbiasedly placed, a place where people can resort to to share their ideas and excercise good, despite all the conflicts going on in the world. I think traditional, or steroetypical mind set, that is mainly based upon 'for or against partitions', needs to develop to sophiticated forms to meet the challnges and demands of this age.




  1. UN is the last international communist organization,and its totally waste of time.what you can expect from them,when China or Russia will decide about democracy in other states?!

  2. here here

  3. Nope. You don't know what really goes on in the UN system. But I know what you're driving at, you just chose the wrong organization ^_^.

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