
Is there a loop-hole in the Emancipation of a Minor law for Georgia about parent consent?

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I want to get emancipated and I live in georgia. I have studied the law and I know that you need Parent Consent to be Emancipated as a minor, but everything else stands. I have proof of residency, proof of financial income, it's just the Parent Consent thing that I can't get. Also, I'm going to get married, which it says "You may be emancipated if you are getting married". But the only thing wrong with that is it's g*y marriage. I just need to I can get emancipated. Please do not patronize me over the fact I'm g*y and want to leave home. I just need simple answers. I will accept all the help given. Thank you.




  1. Off the top of my head, the only thing I can think of is researching whether Georgia would recognize a same s*x marriage performed elsewhere.  Some of the states that recognize same s*x marriage, do not have a residency requirement.

    I'm truly not patronizing you regarding same-s*x marriage, my advice to any young person would be the same - wait.  If you're 16, you will be totally different when you are 18, 20, etc.  If it's an enduring relationship, a few years won't matter.

  2. No loop-hole's. Sorry.

  3. There is no loophole.  It is a statutory requirement, as you have discovered.

    I suggest that you tough it out until you're 18, finish high school, and live your life.

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