
Is there a lot of racism in Green Land?

by Guest21175  |  earlier

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I want to live around the world but i,m black and I know there,s areas i will not go like moscow russia or Barcelona spain because there high n**i population. How is Green Iand I,m planning on going to Green land in the future but I know nothing about it. Do they speak a different languange. Are there alot of racism tords blacks.




  1. erm, i dont think russia has a very high n**i population. maybe they do compared to other countries, but thats only because they have more people. percentage-wise, its probably very low.

    and i had no idea people lived in greenland and if there is, i dont think they wouldve ever seen a black person.

  2. Greenland is part of Denmark.

    Danes are known for their worldly outlook.

    I don't think you'll find much racism there.

  3. I wouldn't recommend going to Greenland because it's in the Arctic, and you'll freeze your a*****e out. As for racism in Greenland, I have no idea. I never been. Although you don't have to listen to me, try moving to the United Kingdom where the weather is great, and the culture is more race friendly, from what I heard.  

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