
Is there a manual or handbook I can buy which details good etiquette?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for something quite comprehensive which outlines the finer points of how to behave as a young gentleman, as I do not have an ideal background or anybody that could mentor me.

Is there anything you can recommend?





  1. First, Mate, there's no such thing as an ideal background these days. My old Godmother is the last of the old guard where such things were universal in terms of good versus bad breeding and raising.

    I would not wast money on books, however, instead searching the internet until I found free resources that gave me information that I wanted.

    Easily put--act as a gentleman (no cursing, etc.) and people will respect you as one.  

  2. Have a look at this.

  3. AH !!!! the failures of the modern parents.There are many good tomes on etiquette,to name but a few.A chap of your obvious good manners ,charm and intellect should be at home in the library where you may browse to your hearts content-toodle pip old thing-

  4. Yes - DeBrettes is the best manual which deals with all forms of Etiquette from the most simple to dining with Royalty.  That is the best Etiquette book on the market and should be - it's been going for well over 150 years.

  5. Try these:

    Good on you!

  6. The Quintessential Gentleman from Amazon.  A more up to date book about a stuffy subject. Pocketsize with lots of info.

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