
Is there a medical doctor that can tell me the difference between ascorbic acid and natural vitamin C?

by Guest21581  |  earlier

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In terms of molecular content?




  1. Vitamin C has been defined by the federal govt as ascorbic acid; however vitamin c as it occurs in nature has many co-factors.

  2. Ascorbic acid is vitamin C. They are equal, one the same. The molecules are the same.

  3. Okay, I'm not a medical doctor. I really doubt many aleopathic doctors will admit there is a difference in the 2 molecules. But there is most definitely a difference in how the body responds to them.

    If I understand it correctly, ascorbic acid is a sort of "mirror image" of natural C. It may look identical but it performs differently in the body. The only explanation I've ever heard for this is beyond my understanding - stuff like energy fields and molecular rotation.

    In small amounts Ascorbic acid can be beneficial to most people. In large amounts it causes gastric distress, including diarrhea. In people sensitive to acids, it causes allergic symptoms such as raw mouth, lips & throat, even blisters.

    In natural sources like Indian gooseberry (Amla C) and rose hips, the vitamin occurs as a mineral ascorbate, naturally bound to calcium, magnesium, These foods will also have bioflavinoids that seem to "help" the vitamin to be absorbed without all the negative side effects of the acid form. There are some positive "side effects" like reduction of allergy symptoms when eating the bioflavinoid quercetin or reduced swelling of varicose veins when eating rutin.

    The only C supplementation I recommend is "ester-C" or mineral ascorbate. The best vitamin C comes from food.

  4. Vit C is Vit C whether natural or synthesized. That said, nat Vit C has many other cofactors associated with it that may be beneficial.  Don't expect an MD to offer much info on this subject.

  5. why in heavens name would you think that an allopath is the best source for the answer. Doctors know lots about cutting and writing prescriptions to relieve symptoms of disease but most have no clue about something relating to nutrition. vitamin c is ascorbic acid. natural sources of vitamin C like acerola cherry or rose hips contain other factors like the bioflavonoids which plain ascorbic acid lacks.

  6. I'm not a doc but always thought ascorbic acid was another name for Vitamin C.

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