
Is there a medium or gifted person who will accept this challenge?

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I have a challenge...well...a semi challenge anyways. That is, I want to see what you know before I know what you see. Read everything before answering...its short.

I want to hear about Daisy. She died two years ago, and I want to know more about how she is doing in the afterlife, if there is one.

I'd prefer for those people who want to comment "I have the gift but I don't want to be tested" and "My gift won't work unless you have complete faith in me" and "there is no such thing as mysticism" to resist comment. I'm looking for answers, not opinions. Thank you very much for your consideration....this means a lot to me.




  1. Just a bit of advise...never refer to it as a "challenge" it puts you in a light of being combative when all you would like is some helpful insight if it is available.

    "Challenge" immediately provokes a negative response and many of those who might have originally been willing to give you a serious answer will not be interested.

    At a glance, I'm not getting your Daisy on the "other side"; it is quite possible (especially if your connection is strong) that Daisy came back to this side as quickly as possible and more likely as close as possible to your area...take a look at some of the young ones that have been born over the past year or so.

  2. I am not really into this stuff. but, i read your question, and in my minds eye i seen a dalmation...?

    by the way I am a Christian, and believe that when we leave this life God will make up to us all that we dont u worry...what u lost is waiting for you.

  3. She is still near you, even now...

  4. She's fine, although she does miss those long rides to the hiking trails and mountains. PS - what is this about a bowling ball????

  5. Good try, I think John S. was close and probably picked up some of the same stuff I did.

    However, cars do not have an afterlife in the sense of a soul living on. They are just a bunch of metal parts.

    I sense it being used for spare parts and living its afterlife in a junkyard. lol

  6. I don't claim any ESP, but was Daisy you family pet? A dog? A golden Lab? That's all I got.

  7. Daisy knows nothing. The living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything.  Nor do they have any part on this earth or any other till Christ return. I don't know who Daisy is but if she is dead she is dead. You can rest assured that if "she" has anything to say to you it isn't her speaking to you, directly or through someone else.  There are fallen angles that can so closely resemble in voice, appearance and mannerism that if you don't know better you would totally believe that it is your loved one.

  8. Daisy? the golden retriever? She's fine.

  9. "...I'm looking for answers, not opinions..."

    Every single answer here *is* an opinion.

  10. Daisy is doing fine, and spiritually hasn't left you yet. I'm sensing either a Golden Retriever or a Lab, because there's a lot of loyalty and devotion coming through.  Very active pup, I can sense that, and she loved going outside with you, wherever you happened to be going.

    She's still keeping an eye on you, but she does leave for brief periods to check other family members.

  11. You may rest assured that Daisy has provided, and is providing, a wonderful source of nourishment for many other currently living organisms.


  12. I see bunch laundry on your floor, an American flag, and Daisy was a computer or maybe a game box, something electronic.  I don't see a person or pet.  Now go read your bible. Nice black cover.

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