Hi, i Heard from a girl on here that there is a mermaid spell and i was wondering what it is! If you know than tell me, if you think this is dumb DONT ANSWER! DON'T GIVE ME A SARCASTIC ANSWER i believe in magic, if any witches or warlocks or wiccans know good magic, tell me, i don't know how to use it or where to get it. Oh yah pleeze tell me about it, you all say read about it but Y cant u tell me! Have any 0of you meeet a mermaid either, I am a confused little girl, i want to know magic but no body will teach me! Thnx and god bless!
P.s( i am not a girl of satan, i am of god, if i learn the ways of magic i will put it to good use, not like a game as real stuff)