
Is there a method to buying lottery tickets?

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Just curious. I have an extra part time job over the summer and I have a little extra cash and have decided to start buying some lottery tickets. I don't want to waste my money though. (I know esentially all lottery tickets you buy are wasting money.) I guess my question is, how many lottery tickets should I buy? How often? What about scratch offs? I'm asking because I am willing to spend some money but I don't want to overdo it as I know my chances of winning any significant amount are slim to none.




  1. Kiss you're money goodbye as you hand it to the teller.

    Then consider your medical insurance status, as you have a better chance of you personally being hit by lightning while playing golf in Florida.

  2. My dad seems to think that the tickets in the middle of the book have the most winners. His theory is that the state wants to make some money up front so there are limited number of winners in the first 20-30 tickets of every book. I don't know if I agree with his thought but it is one theory.

    Lottery tickets truly are a waste of money. BUT, if you are going to play, I suggest buying tickets where the grand prize is large and will have an impact on your life. We have "Win for Life" and "Set for Life" here in Connecticut. I buy those every now and then because if I win big, then I could win $5,000/month for the rest of my life. I doubt I ever will win, but it is entertainment and worth a shot every now and then.

    But overall, you need old fashioned luck to win big.

    Good luck!!

  3. The lottery is a tax on people who can't do math.

    The method is simple - only spend as much money as you would feel comfortable losing.  If it hurts to throw it out the car window as you drive down the highway, then don't spend it on lottery tickets, either.  The return is just about the same.

  4. Buy 3 at a time of the same ticket.

    I usually win on at least one when I do that.

    Good Luck!!

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