
Is there a mind and body position connection?

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Today I was sitting on my bed thinking about some bad things. There was a lot of stuff on my bed, so I knelt down on the floor with my hands on the bed, the same position I get in to pray. The crazy thoughts I was having went away and I started thinking about God and good things. Does kneeling to pray all the time go along with positive thoughts? Does Freud or someone give an explanation of this?




  1. There are positions you remember with your brain that your spirit recognizes as iconic in your thinking.  When your spirit wants to communicate with you, and it sees you getting into a position you think of in iconic ways, it'll try to communicate to you in ways that it would if you were truly in that position for such communications.

    Similarly, if you ever find yourself sitting on the edge of the bed with your elbow on your knee and your chin on the ball of your hand, you might find your mind flooded with deep, philosophical thoughts -- again, a signal from your spirit, showing itself.  It's showing itself in the form of a flood of communications, recognizing your position as that of "the thinker."  You know this is the spirit doing it, and not the brain, because if it were just the brain, you'd get into the Thinker position, then be aware that you're in that position, then the thoughts would come.  But the way it happens with the spirit is, first you're in the position of the thinker without even being consciously aware that you've done it.  And then your mind suddenly floods with philosophical thoughts, and you wonder why.  It's at THAT point when it dawns on you that you had put, completely by happenstance, your body into the "thinker position."

    There is an ancient body language -- an ancient human body language that comes forth when your brain can spend more time processing the present time than experiencing and dwelling on the painful anxieties caused by past experiences.

    All these people walking around who you see looking like stiff-necked cardboard faces with bug-eyes on the evening news -- these are people who have either learned to cover up their body language to conceal themselves, or they're uncomfortable with their appearance and they don't like to make huge, animated gestures in public.  Or a combination of the two.  Once your ancient, god-like perceptions come shining through this disgusting lump of mortal flesh, your natural, spiritual body language becomes a purveyor of truth, and by your very day-to-day interactions with others, the psychological impression left on the minds of others by your improved body language helps them on a subconscious level, and as a result, all of humanity is eventually helped by the spread of this "subcarrier" message of truth.  Essentially we're undoing the confusion of body language that was placed on man at the Tower of Babel, which has resulted in worldwide psychosis.  The fact that mankind has lived with this psychosis without destroying itself is evidence of the power of the spirit!

    Yes, insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.  That's what most people do for their entire lives with their jobs and families, and then many of them die broke, and with very little left to give to their kids.  Yes, that's insanity.  Doing the same things over and over, expecting different results.  That's the result of worldwide psychosis.

    So, it's a good thing that your spirit is trying to communicate with you.  Accept it, learn from it.  The key here is that the kingdom of god lies THROUGH what the world today is calling psychosis.  When you hear mental patients in the mental hospitals say that it's not "us" who's crazy, it's the ones on the outside, they're right.  The problem is that the psychiatric field treats people as if they want to remain part of this reality.  But the process of psychosis results in the discovery of the kingdom of god, and an awakening from the insanity of having lived 60-70 years of repetition.  The acting out of psychosis results from the inability of the mental patient to keep the two realities separated in their minds and realize that the two realities must merge and we must all become immortal before they can start doing the fun things their voices are telling them to do.

    As one who has worked through my own extreme psychosis without medication, I think I could actually explain this to mental patients in ways they could understand.  But the problem is that I doubt I'd be allowed in to talk to any! These kinds of communications never go well for me when I plan them, anyway.  But when they happen by chance, it's like my body goes on auto-pilot and it's all over before I know it.  I'm left walking away about as stunned as the other person at what just happened, and we both part ways feeling like our spirits have been flown like kites over the moon and back.


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