
Is there a movie that shows how the ATC job is stressful?

by Guest65828  |  earlier

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I really want to know more about the air traffic controllers (ATC) field, but don't know how to get started...

Any thoughts?




  1. "Pushing Tin."  A mediocre movie and not entirely about ATC, but still closer to the mark than just about anything else.

    There are depictions of ATC in many movies, but usually they are very incidental.  The few seconds of ATC in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is very accurate (as I recall, Spielberg used some real controllers), but very brief.  The depiction in "Airport" is also quite accurate but brief.  Neither shows ATC being stressed, which is typical—usually it's the crew and passengers who are stressed, not ATC.

    There's a brief documentary floating around that you can find on YouTube that talks a lot about the job and the stress.  It's not entirely objective but it's pretty accurate and interesting, it seems.  I don't recall the name, unfortunately.

  2. Pushing Tin is the only movie I can think of about ATC.

  3. Yes, the movie of Die Hard 2, is related more to the ATC job, and represents that ATC job requires lots of attention to the planes. When terrorists cuts the transmision cables, and is the part when ILS system or VFR system turns off. You can hear different voices of ATC that warn planes or that hold to vortex or markers.  

  4. Pushing tin, Airplane.  They're not exactly documentaries.  Maybe you can visit an air traffic control center or tower.  I'm not sure if you're still allowed to do that in the US, but you could before 9/11 at least.

  5. Hello there, in my opinion "Pushing Tin", and if you want to know how is like to be an ATC, you can go to: and search for your local airport.


  6. And I love the stress part, no matter what happens -- they go home at the end of their shift.  Doesn't always happen for the pilots.

  7. Pushing Tin is about the only one that comes to mind. Not a great movie, but it does show some aspects of a controllers life and the job they do.

    The FAA website could provide some insight into the career

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