
Is there a name for this theory?

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has anyone heard of the theory that the voices Schizophrenic hear, and the visions/hallucinations they have, are actually real, and they have heightened senses, to the point of being almist supernatural? In other words, they seem like hallucinations bc others can't detect them, but they are in fact real...sort of like "I see dead people"




  1. Schizophrenia by definition is a Duel Personality. People  should not co relate with these people  with psychics , who have the abilities to communicate with the dead. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder with Lot of chemical changes occurring in brain at the time of attacks. It comes or exaggerated with certain stimuli in the initial period and then become a part and parcel of the personality. The people who communicate or see the dead are not having split personality. The theory put forward is not yet proved. In Bhoolbulayya, the Manjolica played by Vidya Balan is tried to have been portrayed as schizophrenic but Schizophrenics need shock treatment to correct it and not the psychological shock and assurances. That was more of exorcism.

  2. Could be, but I doubt it.

    There was a time not so long ago I actually worried I might be schizophrenic, because I hear voices I can't attribute to my spirit hearing. So I went and found a psychiatrist. After we talked for a while (several sessions) he told me (and still does tell me) he's positive I'm not schizophrenic (the voices I hear/heard are an extreme aspect of a cross between my spiritual/psychic gifts and the PTSD I suffer from) and my therapist agrees with him. Schizophrenia is more than just hearing voices, there's a lot more to the disorder. I actually know a woman who has it and I can tell you it's very true, I can see it in her, in the way she behaves (she's very highly functional).

  3. Well, your conjecture sounds very much like the thinking of R.D. Laing, a Scottish psychiatrist who theorized that the experiences you describe were "real." I don't know if he had any actual theories, but his work is what you seem to be talking about:

  4. In parapsychology or transpersonal psychology things that experience by someone is real. Whether it is interpreted as hallucinations or referring to some kind of reality ia a matter of interpretations.

  5. I heard something like that where there are actually degraded beings that are close to your ears and kind of sit on your shoulders. Normal people can't see them, but schizoids can. They are supposed to be real. The person who wrote this was a doctor of sorts, but he didn't give it a name. He was trying to determine how these little beings came to exist. He  thought that maybe if we didn't stop going down in our spirituality where our freedom as spiritual beings became so stifled that we would lose even our ability to incarnate into a regular human body and resort to being these little people! Spooky stuff. I wonder if these little people are always there or just pop up when you lose your marbles and whether they're trying to help crazies or trying to make them do sinister things.

  6. Are you talking about the sixth sense?

  7. ermm, no.

  8. Yes. It's called "Misdiagnosis".

  9. No, there is not. Visual and Auditory hallucinations are only part of the criteria for a diagnoses of Schizophrenia.

    There are very distinct differences between paranormal phenomena and mental illness.

    This theory would be classified under the mental symptom of delusional thinking (believing these voices and images are real) if the person qualified for a diagnosis of schizophrenia.

    This is not to say that some bad mental health professionals don't diagnose this condition without all the actual criteria being met.


  10. This is NOT a theory. Look up the definition before you go throwing that word around.

  11. I think some people actually have a sixth sense but most have a disorder. Some people who may have a special gift are actually diagnosed with being schizo and are given drugs. This sixth sense may be in all of us but we don't know how to use it. Have you ever felt someone near by without actually seeing or touching them? I think it's called intuition.

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