
Is there a name that you really really hate everytime you here it if so what is it?

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just curious if there is a name or two that you really hate when you hear.

mine are










  1. Ella












  2. yes there are several actually

    mykayla with this ghetto spelling

    meckenzie with this 3 year old spelling

    ashlyn,brooklyn,graclyn or any other made up name with -lyn tacked to the end.

    paula or paulette i know two w hores both home-wreckers and crappy moms with these names,just both no class at all!

    any name that is misspelled by putting a K on the front instead of the C!! tacky!

    adding extra Y's where they do not belong

    ava spelled like avaigh or alivia in place of olivia,give me a break!!

    any made up name starting with MC!

    any name claiming to be something wonderful spelled backwards!!! yeah,right!

    Barbara or Kelly ,i have my reasons!!!

    michael is the most boring boys name and i have known only a few who were decent most are just awful,lazy users in my experience!

    any ghetto made up ,misspelled ,trendy ,crapola ,so called name!!!

  3. Kara, Mindy, Ashley, and Lindsey

  4. taylor, bernice, bernetta and Daniel sounds too close to Danielle or vice versa.

  5. Aiden












    Anything that has "lynn" at the end, actually

    Basically, all those godawful names that churchgoing teenagers from the south choose and think are "beautiful" and "unique."

  6. I hate Emily and Aiden. Common and boring. Sorry people!! I really am!

  7. Anytime I see a girl with a boys name. As for individual names, I'd say maybe Jessica, Brittany, Nicole, Addison, Mike,Andy, and Robert.

    Also Chad, Chuck, and Becky.

  8. Wow I love Alexis, Bailey, Riley, and Michael. They are great names! Just because they're popular doesn't mean you should hate them. Any child would be lucky to have those classy names. Lexi is such a cute nicknames. If you don't like their popularity that's when unique spellings come into play.



    Rylie or Rylee

    Alix or Aleks

    Mykel or Mikel

    Emma Leigh or Emilee

  9. Alexis





    trust me there are way to many to name!

  10. My name.


    Its so annoying,

    I can't prunounce it right.

    It sounds like I am saying tuna when people ask me my name.


    And I hate the name Becky to.

    It says so trashy.

  11. I hate all those classic names like






    Amber (my name and i hate it. couldnt my parents be more creative?)

  12. Where I live I don't even know some peoples names because they are all called Bubba or Sissy. Haaaaaaaate It! When my younger son was born some of the family started calling my oldest son Bubba to the little one. I put a stop to that fast and I guess hurt some feelings doing so. It makes me sick to hear those name or nn's.

  13. Nevaeh



    Boys names used as girl names


    Jayden/Hayden/Caiden, etc (Aiden isn't so bad, but I would NEVER use it myself.  It's really overrated and used up at the moment.)



    Riley - it's always used as a GIRL'S name on here.  It's so masculine!

    (Btw, I used to HATE michael/mike - thought it was SO idk... common!  Then I fell for someone named Mike, and now it's not so bad.  Guess it has to do with associate.)

  14. Miranda ......Sarah....Jessica.

    ughhh no offense but reallly annoying common names

    jeffrey annoys me too

  15. Lena, Lina, Lana, Layna.. ugh! I can't stand any of those names. No offense... but sorry!

  16. Alexis, Bailey, and Michael...YUCK!

    Also dislike Atticus, Dawna and Madison.  

  17. Well I'm tired of boys names for girls, i.e.:

    Ashley, Taylor, Lindsay, Riley, Stevie, etc. I knew someone who named their girls Samantha so they could use Sammy, and Alex---something, so they could use Alex, for shorter names.

    I also can't stand those phonetic names b/c ppl can't spell:

    Mackayla, Joell, Stefani, Felisha, Genasis, Oshun

    Or they stick a K instead of C, a -SH instead of CI

    The trendy names: Destiny, Chastity, Genesis, Trinity, Heaven & its reverse form-Neveah, Oceana, all those -ayden/aiden names

    And names that just got overpopularized like:

    Jessica, Jennifer, Michelle, Nicole, Samantha, Dawn, Heather, Shannon, Shawna,  Amber, Rose,  Sophia/ie, Becky, Hannah, Amanda, Melissa & Tiffany

    Sean, Michael (how unimaginative), Robert, Joshua, Jonathan, Anthony, Kyle, Brandon, Dylan, Ryan, Conor (not Konor--ugh!), Matthew, Jeff, Steve

    Also around where I am are "combo" names from Mom & Dad like:

    Dad=James & Mom=Elizabeth  Baby=Jaliza

            Sean   &          Anette              =Shanette (that's phonetic)        

            Steve   &         Rose                 =Rosevea

    A long time ago, a sports figure & his wife had a baby girl, annd were asked what they were naming it, this in a time of reaching out to your ethnicity, and he replied: Mary, plain & simple. Gotta love it!

    BTW I like Isabelle, Veronica (getting very used now I know), David & Liam

  18. Jaden, Kaden, Aiden, Braeden, Draden, Zaden-oh my gosh people, get over the craze

    Hannah-just horrid sorry

    Hillary-makes me want to puke

    Adrianna, Arianna, Audrey and Aubrey-I could not be any more tired of hearing these names

    Conner and Collin

    Sorry. Everyone likes different names. I just don't like when names become trends and everyone under the sun still name their kids it.

  19. Sorry if this offends anyone...but Madison, and Jessica seriously annoy me.

  20. Alexis bothers me too, but I don't mind Lexy or Alex.

    I dislike the names Evelyn and Hunter. Most -lyn names don't appeal to me.

  21. bailey, riley, kelsey, casey - all remind me of dog names

    millicent - reminds me of a steak.

    tatum - reminds me of tater-tots

  22. miley and katie and destini  

  23. the name I hate most is Sophie it reminds me of soap or a soft pillow. I dont know I just dont like it.

  24. Samantha. sorry to anyone who likes it, I'm just totally sick of hearing it.

    and then all these trendy names like Nevaeh, Miley, Destiney, etc.

  25. For a boy Ian

    For a girl Jaclyn

  26. Bridget....ugh- every bridget I've met smells bad

  27. Brianna







  28. Madison. It just sounds like the parents are trying too hard to pick a quaint name for their kids. Also, Brianna and Giovanna are not my faves.

  29. I agree with you on Riley - particularly for a girl!

    Many popular names and unisex names irk me. I dislike hearing:

    Ava (I used to love this in HS but it got too darn popular)

    Isabella (Too popular and never cared for it because of the frill factor)

    Sophia (Too popular and never liked it. The funny thing is, I don't mind Sophie!)

    Hayden (I don't mind it on a boy- where it rightfully belongs)


    Lexi (As a nickname or on its own. I like Alexa or Alexia, though)


    Kaylee (Too cutesey)

    Madison (ZzzZzzZ)

    Addison (ZzzZ without the 'M')

    Nevaeh (Trashy and hate the annoying 'It's Heaven spelled backwards" logic behind it. I'd rather see Heaven spelled frontwards)

    Shannon-Bad association and masculine sounding

    Liam (It just annoys me)

    Jayden (Way trendy and hate this spelling)

    Aidan (Too popular)

    Talon (Reminds me of a bird)

    Maddox (I hate the 'x' sound in this name. Too celeb-trendy. Sounds too futuristic to me. Hate that it has 'Mad' in it.)

    Milo (Geeky and too cutesy)

  30. Everett

  31. Jonas because of the Jonas brothers

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