
Is there a nation wide bank in manchester giving away PRIZE MONEY ?

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Is there a nation wide bank in manchester giving away PRIZE MONEY ?




  1. if someone told you this its probably a con artist trying to scam you

  2. Nnnnooooooooooooo!!..

    When they ask you to part with some of YOUR money then you will see it for the scam that it is..

  3. I hope so.

    But I doubt it. The only thing a bank gives away is hard times.

  4. is there a bank called nation wide bank in machenster

    i have received a mail from them that I have won a prize money of GBP 600000 can i believe them. there is one Barrister who has done the Affidavit for claiming the money on my behalf now they are asking me to pay GBP1530 to transfer to my account can i believe them

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