
Is there a natural way to control bird mites? My amazon has them on his cere and they're spreading. Help!!?

by Guest34107  |  earlier

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Is there a natural way to control bird mites? My amazon has them on his cere and they're spreading. Help!!?




  1. If it's on the birds face on/around the beak it's a different species of mite called scaly face/leg mite.

    The only "natural" way to treat them is with parrafin but it's not 100%.

    It's best if you get something called Scatt which is a topical treatment you place at the base of the bird's neck.

    There's another two, S76 and Iverlux, that treat through the bird's drinking water.

    Some people feel the treatment through the drinking water is safer because there is less chance of overdose.  However - you also have to treat for a longer period of time as a result.

    So, it's a double edge sword.

    Either way - it's best if you get something along these lines.

    They can be ordered from and instructions for use are included with each.

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