
Is there a need now in the world for communism?

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Or is it out dated?

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  1. socialism/welfare capitalism is fine....

  2. Communism is both outdated and a failed ideology. The world will be a better place when it is completely eradicated.

  3. Those who live by it think so.....After being brain washed.....

  4. they will always be with us.

  5. it is way out dated

  6. no.

  7. The communism of today is a lot different than the same ideas of the first communists. Communism even took some of the ideas of earlier movements such as the Girodins of the French Revolution. I at times look at what that parties policies were for the first elections to the French convention in the 1790's and I would vote for them ideals today myself in fact most of the people of the world would vote for them if they read them.  

  8. No Certainly not.

  9. people only turn to extremist political groups when they are desperate. So  communism may well always exist in countries which are politically unstable. But i'd hardly call the government in China communist, it seems to have the classic hallmarks of a right-wing dictatorship.

  10. communism is c**p, all countries who livie by comunism  are poor, starve, and are treated unfairly

    ex, north korea, cuba, china

  11. no chance, and if you have been to a communist or former communist country you'd know the answer.

  12. Doesn't  look  like  there's  anything  left.  Capitalism  is  on  its  way  out.

  13. Communism is way too outdated, it should be totaly abolished for the good of the people.

  14. Yes, like people also need cancer.

  15. Let's take a look at who is winning the contest between Capitalism?Democracy and Communism?Socialism?

    Strict Communist:




    North Korea


    Countries with Recognized Socialist Parties

    Currently Ruling:

    Angola - Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola

    Austria - Social Democratic Party of Austria

    Barbados - Barbados Labour Party

    Belgium - Socialist Party

    Belgium - Socialist Party Different

    Bulgaria - Bulgarian Social Democrats

    Bulgaria - Bulgarian Socialist Party

    Cape Verde - African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde

    Chile - Socialist Party of Chile

    Côte d'Ivoire - Ivorian Popular Front

    Egypt - National Democratic Party

    Estonia - Social Democratic Party

    Germany - Social Democratic Party of Germany (in a Grand Coalition with other center-left and center right parties)

    Hungary - Hungarian Socialist Party

    Italy - Democrats of the Left & Italian Democratic Socialists (coalition under Olive Tree)

    Jamaica - People's National Party

    Lithuania - Lithuanian Social Democratic Party

    Mongolia - Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party

    Montenegro - Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro

    Montenegro - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro

    Mozambique - FRELIMO

    Nepal - Nepali Congress

    Netherlands - Labour Party

    New Zealand - New Zealand Labour Party

    Nicaragua - Sandinista National Liberation Front

    Norway - Norwegian Labour Party

    Panama - Democratic Revolutionary Party

    Peru - Peruvian Aprista Party

    Portugal - Socialist Party

    San Marino - Party of Socialists and Democrats

    Slovakia - Direction - Social Democracy

    Spain - Spanish Socialist Workers' Party

    South Africa - African National Congress

    Switzerland - Social Democratic Party of Switzerland

    Tunisia - Democratic Constitutional Rally

    United Kingdom - Labour Party

    Uruguay - Socialist Party of Uruguay

    Uruguay - New Space

    Plus Sweden Norway and Denmark who we all know as democratic socialist hybrids.

    Socialism/Communism is the system that will dominate the world by the end of this century.Most people like yourself don't even realize it is a vibrant political force-they think it has been defeated by "Capitalism and Democracy"

    Socialism will improve the lives of individuals and be a slight improvement.The West is definitely not interested in freedom, only control and oppression for the poor and defiant to prop up 3000-5000

    extremely wealthy individuals.I think that closet fascists and their ilk have hidden agendas and are using the West's system for their own ends.There is resistance but basically it all comes down to serving the

    wealthy elite and their designs.Religion,morality and distracting diversions are used as motivators for the base minded and simpletons who obey them out of fear and ignorance.

    The people of the world see these deceits and open hypocrisies and have turned to socialism for a more human solution.

  16. The Russian people are actually getting richer at the moment while other places in Europe are experiencing a recession.

    Russians brainwashed??

    I think its the American public thats being brainwashed at the moment

  17. no, no need

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