
Is there a new xbox 360 coming out???

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I thought i heard someone say there is a new xbox coming out called a fire something, maybe firebird, firewing i dont no, just asking




  1. No there is no new xbox 360s comming out,

    The only one coming out is the new 60GB Xbox 360 pro for $350.00,

    The 20GB Pro will be $300,and most likely will be discontinued soon  

  2. There's a new one coming out taking the place of the 20GB model. It's a 60GB model, and I think that's the only difference. It'll be $300.

  3. yes there is going to be a 60 gb version of the xbox coming out but its going to be the same as the 20 gb version but with a 60 gb hard drive although this is good if you want more than a 20 gig hard drive and you dont want to pay for a 120 gig one.

  4. you mean a next generation machine with new graphics and processor capabilities?

    most definitely but nobody knows about it yet.

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