
Is there a no smoking ban in france?

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like england.




  1. Yes,there is,but they all ignore it.

    The french aren't like us,if they dont like a new government legislation they dont comply,we need to learn a few lessons from them.

  2. no problems in France as yet, you can get lung cancer just walking into a tabac.

  3. Lol, French smoking ban.... They can try, but they will never quell that fog of Gitane smoke that looms over the nation.

    Yes, technically, it comes into place next year, but I cannot see it happening; the entire country will go on strike.

  4. France is going to ban smoking in public places including cafes, nightclubs and restaurants from 1st February 2008.

  5. Well it's difficult to answer because the no smoking ban should have been applied in France since February 2007 but it is still allowed to smoke in restaurants, cafés and clubs until January 2008. French law will evolve by the end of the year for a complete ban. However it is  already no longer allowed to smoke in train stations. You might have to wait until you get in the coach to find out if you can smoke!

    From February 2007 smoking will be banned in schools, colleges, shops and businesses and by 2008 the same rules will apply in cafes, restaurants and nightclubs.

  6. yes all public places

  7. yes.. aswell as england there is a ban in scotland,

  8. it's forbidden in public area, and I think in a bus too

  9. qui madame

  10. Only from february next will still be legal in casinos...I wonder if any of the government fat cats frequent casinos whilst puffing a huge cigar???(sorry I must be getting cynical>>>)

  11. excactly, we cant smoke in the train station, open too.

    my station is open ouside, so i smoke there, i dont disturbe ppl cause thats out. but i stoped to smoke in the metropolitan cause so much police and miltary, and in restaurant cause thats better to eat without the odor of cig.

    so, if i can smoking at home and outside, that is ok !! lol

    kiss from france

  12. i dont think so, i went to france over the summer and there are lots if smokers

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