
Is there a non-invasive way to determine if a cardiac patient has left main disease?

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Is there a non-invasive way to determine if a cardiac patient has left main disease?




  1. I'm inclined to agree with Gereld. An ecg is another way.  When you see an ecg of someone having chest pain it's not hard to  diagnose left main disease as the ecg changes are so  very dramatic, and the patients physical condition can deteriorate rapidly.

  2. stress cardiolite with doppler imaging

  3. The need for invasive treatment (open heart surgery) and the recovery room and the demand on individuals time, means that before Hospitals could spend yours or anyone's they need to be certain.

    So given that you know you have a problem the process is

    1. the trans esophageal echo cardiogram a day procedure where they put the line into your arm when your walk through the door.

    2.Then before any intervention you need an Angiogram. That's another day procedure and the Surgical Team will have what they need to get the work done.

    Your need for a non-invasive approach is fine as long as you don't want to know or if you don't want it fixed. A bit of key hole work and you'll be right.

  4. an echocardiogram  

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