
Is there a nutritionist or dietitian on here?

by Guest67102  |  earlier

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I found a nutritionist locally, but she wanted to charge me $100 an hour. That's to much for my pocket. Is there a nutritionist or dietitian here in this site who could help me set up a meal plan by email for free and answer some questions?




  1. No im not one. But one day i would love to become one. So watch this space lol x.x.x.

  2. There is nothing that a nutritionist is gonna tell you that you cant find with a lil online research, in fitness mags or books.  

  3. There are many different diet plans that might work for you, but yes generally nutritionists and dieticians are that expensive.

  4. Sorry but i can help you work out if you want help with that...

  5. My mother has over 30 years of Holistic Nutrition, so that is about the going rate. Of course being her daughter I have access to all her information, and know quite a bit my self. She has also published a couple of books, that are great for reference. What is the menu plan for? If it is for weight loss, there is a great program that she recommends Let me know if you have any questions I can help you with.

  6. I have some knowledge of nutrition and dieting, so feel free to e-mail me and I will help if I can.

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