
Is there a paint that could energize electrons when exposed to sunlight?

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Could exterior house paint be doped with a germanium or boron.silicone dioxide composite such that it is made to produce a small current of electricity from sunlight?

After initially painting over a thin conductor matrix a small charge is applied while the "paint dries". Once a protective transparent glazing is in place, the south facing exterior painted wall should be "energized". Could this work? I suspect that if it was feasible, the cost would still be prohibitively high. What say you?




  1. YES it was on a PBS (public TV show) on alternate energy. Do not remember which one.

  2. I have seen just such a thing on PBS but can't recall who it was was making it, but they are definitely experimenting with it as well as rolled roofing that acts as a solar panel as well, both come out of California.

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