
Is there a people has a extraordinary power???

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  1. Yeah their are individuals with extraordinary powers but they are very rare and there isn't any full explanation about the occuring and nature of these powers untill now. These abilities include Telepathy (transfer info and feelings between individuals by means other than the 5 senses), Precognition (perception of information about future places or events before they occur), Clairvoyance (obtaining info about places or events at remote locations, by means unknown to current science), Psychokinesis (The ability of the mind to influence matter, time, space, or energy by means unknown to current science) and under these categories comes all paranormal activites that a person can posseses temprarly (in very very rare occasions) or permanently (as a hidden ability) like moving objects by mind waves, communicating very clear thoughts to other individuals with no physical limitations like distance or so, healing abilities by touching only, bending metal by touching and so.

    These phenomenon was and still attracts attention of science, military and intelligence agencies and groups and there was a series of experiments done by the KGB back in in the 60s that involve a group of telepathy and clairvoyance possesers to use them in real missions.

  2. well... um... i hate to tell people this... but i can read minds. they have to be right in front of me though, and its kinda sucky actually

  3. ALL people have extraordinary power.  They just do not reach their potential.  We are all children of God, endowed with extraordinary potential.  It is just that many of us choose easy roads in life that lead nowhere.  If we learn who we truly are, then there are limitless things we can do.  Look at what Moses did.  Zerin moved a mountain in the Book of Mormon!

    The human potential is beyond our imagination!

  4. Aside from you and ur extraordinary grammar abilities there are psychics.

  5. you mean like power to move things with their minds, doenst exist, always proven as hoaxes

  6. yeah its called grammar

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