
Is there a petition regarding passports without our Queen on the relevant page?

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Is there a petition regarding passports without our Queen on the relevant page?




  1. She only gets a little mention "her Britannic Majesty's secretary of state requests and requires" blah blah.

    The only other reference to monarchy is the word "Kingdom" in the name of our country.

  2. What's your problem with the Queen on your passport, It's not as if she comes round your house and bothers you.

  3. where ?? mine doesn't have a queen there ...

  4. not that i know of.. but you could always start one..

  5. wouldnt serprise me at all!!...anouther 10 years of new labour and the immigrants will be in power and she will be turned out of the country.  this country is alive with traitors...most of them in parliment.

  6. I think there is on the number 10 website! Its outrageous! The way to stop this outrage is to demand a referendum on the bl**dy Treaty/Constitution,there are many online,including The changes relate to Article 20 of the EU Treaty which proposes EU language to be inserted into British passports. This is yet another example of the EU gaining more power over British citizens.

    These proposals are yet another illustration of how the British people must be given their say in a referendum before any new powers are signed over to the EU under a proposed new Treaty/Constitution.

  7. Just signed it.

    if it happens just tip-ex over the page.

  8. I'll trade you our 'Jack' for your 'Queen'...

  9. i hope not ..

    to much anti- briton going on.. if you dont like whats english then go somewhere else to live. i cant wait to have freedon when we get it in scotland. i hope we dont have an EU passport

  10. I hope so...

    I'm watching this question


    Yes, on the 10 Downing Street Website:

    Not many signees though.

  11. To have an extract of the EU constitution in my passport is just absolutely pathetic.  We didn't even have a d**n referendum regarding that thing.  

    I can't believe this.  Even what's inside our passports has to be the d**n business of the EU.  Ridiculous.

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