
Is there a pil/tablet you can take the night before an exam which will help you remember everything?

by  |  earlier

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Somebody told me the name of one but I forgot it?




  1. i don't think pills will help soul;d do is to study hard,,,but i know a product for good memory called memo plus but i tried it it does not can try that it may work on you

  2. The drug is called aniracetam, and what it does is to alter the kinetics of activation of AMPA type glutamate recpetors in the brain.  As memory is based on the biological process of long-term potentiation of glutamate synapses in the CNS, the idea is that this should work.  It is available as a research chemical for scientific use and as you might expect, across the ecounter in the USA.  I think that the data is there on effects on LTP in the lab, but whether that translates into better exam performance is a very dubiuous assumption.

  3. There isnt a pill or tablet u can take, But u can take a rescue remedy a spray that can make you calm and improve your chances of remembering important things like exam answers. hope this helps x

  4. I WISH

    i have an exam at 2pm about the Global Economy and i get the feeling its going to be like a Pub Quiz... no matter what i revise it wont be on the exam!!!

  5. Pro Plus + Red Bull- perfect for an all night cramming session :)

  6. Yes there is....but I just can't remember the name of it...

    or my own name...

    or where I live...

    Sorry?...what was the question again..

    Oh yes...cheese is tasty isn't it...

    What?...why would you say that about my Mother.

  7. No. If you take ginko biloba and fish oil pills on a regular basis, and make sure you get lots of rest, eat a big breakfast it helps.

    Also eating blueberries on a regular basis helps too.

    I study everything right before bed then try studying as much as possible the next morning it really helps me.

  8. You can take gingko, but i would suggest start taking it 2 weeks before the exam.

  9. wen u remember the name........ tell me!

  10. if there was the world would be full of geniuses lol!!

  11. no there isn't but sleeping helps you remeber things and boiled agg for breakfast increases your ability to remember

  12. ha ha

  13. definately there is one .....Hardwork

  14. haha no

  15. I like the wittiness and irony.

    And, as you probably already know........... no there isn't.

    If there was then none of us would ever have an issue.

  16. if there would be such a thing all the world would be frankenstein :S

  17. Yes, the pill does exist.

    Unfortunately everybody started taking it and they all got 100% in all their exams, so tests became completely pointless.

    The remaining pills were thrown into a volcano, so that no-one could ever use them again.

  18. Smart Pills!

  19. You can take vivarin (caffeine pill) to stay awake and alert.  I used them to stay awake during the bar exam, and they worked like a charm.

  20. i wish!

  21. not to sure about a pill, but i hear that the following things boost your brain power:

    Pure Oxygen Tent

    Taurine (found in energy drinks)

    Omega 3 (more of a long term thing, found in fish)

    hope this helps, but a pill would be great!

  22. look up modafinil/adrafinil for on the day / revision help (probably your best bet).

    Piracetam is very good for general memory improvement.

    Just look for "nootropics" and you should get a lot of information. You may have to order the better ones though (unless you live in the US, where you can get piracetam from health shops).

    And while caffeine may help you concentrate, be careful when using it to revise as it inhibits memory encoding.

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