
Is there a pill that you can take to eliminate the eggs? easy ten points!?

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so i might be about two weeks prego.

my boy friend swears that there's some pill that can eliminate eggs.

does any one happen to know if this is bullshitt or what the pills are called?




  1. there is a morning after pill but you have to take that in 72 hours after you have unprotected s*x. This Plan B will not stop a pregnancy it is not an abortion pill. If you are 18 or older you can get this pill at the Pharmacy and if you are under 18 you have to see a health care professional.  My suggestion to you is if you don't want a baby or any STD then don't have s*x.  To check on my answer you can go to and you can read the same thing and maybe learn more

  2. to eliminate all your eggs no there is no pill. There is a pill to end the pregrancy only if its very early in and you have to be at least 18 are have parents signature and can only get it from a doctor are abortion clinic still have to be at least 18

  3. Ahw sounds like you want a quick fix cause he's unhappy and you don't sound like you can go through with an abortion! Don't do it unless you feel like you can go through w/ it. don'tt let no one convince you other wise! your boyfriend doesn'tt know what he's going to be missing and is probably talking out of his butt!

  4. Eliminate eggs?? Like all of your eggs? Definitely not. There is a pill that can terminate a pregnancy if it's early enough, it's a form of abortion. But you're born with all of your eggs you'll ever release during your period, you can't and don't want to get rid of those!

  5. there is a plan B but it is only effective 72 hours after s*x.

    At this point there is nothing for you to do but wait and see..

    good luck

  6. its called abortion.

  7. As in two weeks gestation or two weeks after conception?

    If its two weeks gestation you haven't concieved yet.

  8. There is no pill that "eliminates eggs".  You see, a female is born with all the eggs she'll ever have.  You can take birth control to stop the body from releasing an egg on a monthly basis.  You can take "the morning after" pill within 72 hours of s*x to possibly stop the body from releasing an egg, but that's it.  

    If you meant "is there a pill to terminate a pregnancy".... yes, there is.  In very early pregnancy, you can take the abortion pill.  You have to see a doctor and get it prescribed though.  You need to actually find out if you're pregnant first though.  Why worry about all this stuff if you don't even know if you're pregnant?  He doesn't want the baby?  You don't even know if there IS a baby.

    By the way, if you are "about two weeks pregnant", you'd only of JUST conceived if at all.  That means you'd of had unprotected s*x within the last few days.  If that's the case, you should try to get the "morning after pill" if that's what you choose to do.  I assume you are under age though, so you'd have to see a doctor for that as well.

    You and your boyfriend sound sadly misinformed.  I suggest you get some s*x education.

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