
Is there a pillow I can buy that stays cold? Other than the chillow.?

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chante o : if your at work. WORK!

or is your pathetic job answering yahoo answers questions?




  1. geez. calm down... it's going to be ooookkkk. lol

    ok the only other pillow that is cool (and only at first) is the foam pillow. it stays cooler than regular pillows (i used to freeze mine and when it was hard a little while later id sleep on it too keep from having a bloody nose as a kid. of course its hard as a rock at first but softens FAST! otherwise.... Chillow is your best bet. or you could try using those fever patches that goes on your forehead... might work idk

  2. Wow, defensive about your pillow, much?

  3. That is awsome  where that heck,,,,,do you buy that?..... We are laughing so hard in my office

  4. I have never seen one personally, although you could probably buy those inexpensive ice packs you use in coolers, and place them into a pillow.

    Maybe take 2 pillows that are thin, and place the cool packs between them.

    Stay Cool!

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