
Is there a place in this world where we can find peace?

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i am very sad, i hav no body in my life. I am all alone. I think I have lived my life enough. I am praying god to give me death. I have too many problems which does not have any solution at all. I am unable to solve any problems. I feel i am not worth to live any more. I begged god many times to help me...but god seems to have no mercy on me. I have decided to quit eating. I tried to cut viens and comsumed 400 sleeping pills........but i did not die. I dont understand what to do now. Can anyone help me either to live or die?




  1. Peace begins within our spirit or being and that's where you will find yours.   I can not give you an instruction manuel of how to find your inner peace, that is your journey and it seems as though for now you are not meant to end your life.   You have tried but something carried you through to live another day, I encourage you to take this gift and try to live just today, that's all you need commit yourself to living.   You cannot do this alone, sometimes we have to go outside ourselves to help us focus on finding our inner peace.  I don't know where you live but if you open yourself to seeking help you will find it.  What do you have to loose?   We can end our lives at any time and the battle is done, living is a day by day struggle and I encourage you to seek guidance in that journey.   I have been in your shoes....  

  2. Is death the only way out of problems and bad mood? Life is given for us not to run out from it, but to live and learn. Depression is a usual thing, it can be easily obtained but it's not an easy matter to cope with it. You should be strong enough to do it. Then be.  

  3. The only place where you can find peace is within yourself.  You cannot find it anywhere else nor with any one else.

    The very fact that you have communicated your feelings (via this medium, yahoo) is a very important first step and I am sure that by now you have improved your mental status by at least 25%.

    From your statement, I think that you are more of a loner.  I recommend that you interact with others  more, which will help you definitely to come out of your low self-esteem

    I think that a great life awaits you.

    Wishing you love and all the best in life.

  4. Take the help of a psychiatrist immediately.

  5. Please choose are an important part of this world; we cannot afford to lose you! (I mean it!)

  6. First of all, u better stop thinking like what u are thinking now. If u want to see how life is worth, go to a hospital or an orphanage, help with the volunteer work, u'll see many others situations that are worse. No matter what happened to u make u think like that, think of the person who gave u life to live till today. U should live to read all the answers:-) Cheer up! Good luck! and live a happy life!

  7. Yes, that place is "within you."

    Or as Socrates said it: "Know Thyself," He was speaking of Being, or the "I Am" of who you are. That is your peaceful center. This will explain it in Western terms.

    I have gone through the dark times you are speaking about here. and I can assure you, life can improve dramatically with the right kind of spiritual practice. The above resource will explain it.

    Deep within yourself is the key.... but you need to be taught how to go about digging into that resource within you.

  8. yeah.... you can always try my bed...

    its always empty and i assure you - 100% peace of mind and body forever..

    So what you waiting for....hop in and enjoy the ride of a lifetime

  9. Try cyanide.  It's an easy death and you can find it at your local jewellery store.

  10. Yes, there is a place, where you can find peace... Please read the following sentence of a spiritual guru of the present time.

    "After long searches here and there, in churches, in temples, on the mountains; for which you shade tears for a long time, at last; you have to come back to your own self."

    Nobody is living on the earth forever. Death is certain for every living being. It is just like one side of the same coin, which is called birth. So, we must have courage to accept death, when it comes to us in a natural way. We must love God and his creation. Love alone enable us to forget about our own pain and pleasure, because, there are many people and living creatures on the earth, who are suffering from sorrow, even more than you or I. I always look for others, who are worst sufferer from their lives and it helps me to forget about my own sorrows. I love God and try to help His living creatures without any attachment. Nothing is permanent except God Himself. As such, it becomes our duty to help His children up to a possible extent.

    Never commit suicide. God has gifted you this beautiful human form with a definite purpose along with your death. But you should not through this gift, called physical body to the face of God, through your committing suicide, that is also prior to fulfilling His divine purpose.

    If you try to get inspiration from a genuine spiritual guru, I am hundred percent sure about your recovery from the present state of darkness. I know you love God; hence, you are asking Him death. But this is not the right object, since; death has already been given by Him along with the other gift called, birth.

    You should read the great epic Mahabharata, where, we find the character of an ardent devotee of Lord, namely;Kunti, She had always, prayed lord Krishna to give her sorrow everyday, so that she could recall her beloved Krishna everyday. Let your mind gets some noble thoughts from the great personalities so that you can find out the purpose of your own life.

    I pray for your long life.

  11. oh my GOD.

    do u really want 2 die???how can u???i mean i heared this 4 the 1st time in my life.huh!!!!!


    get out of ur home n try 2 make new frnds.make as many frnds as is incomplete without frnds.

  12. ...see a counselor...good luck...

  13. dear im in da same boat as urs,dnt try to die.y u have to die?? lyf is dat much bad r hard no way..u have to live sustain and wait till your death as it comes to 1 thing go away frm ur place for some time leave evry one b alone and pray god to solve ur prblms n blive urself.gud luck.

  14. Mental peace is a state of mind. Only you can create that state.

    Try to follow the following method

    1. DO not think if you are not thinking about SHIP

    a)Solution( donot cry on your problem think of a solution)

    b)Happiness(all the happiness you have, had and want to have)

    c)Innovation(new and positive things at home and work location)

    d)Production(about how to make your job more productive)

    Say a prayer " GOD there is nothing that You and me cannot handle, please God give the grit to change things i can mettle

    to accept things i cannot change and knowledge to know the difference between the two"

    Eat healthy food ,stay busy with some good job. Leave rest to God.

  15. Between your ears.  That is the only place on this earth, that people can live.  Everywhere else would be an existence.  Stop thinking poor old me, shame on me, thoughts.  If you tried 3 times to commit suicide, and did not succeed, it means you were not supposed to succeed.  So you know, that one is not working.  Praying for death does not seam to work either.  The only solution left is, clean up your act, stop feeling sorry for yourself and start to build a LIFE.  With or without help.  Death is such a waste of life.


  16. These are some of the benefits of meditation:

    1.Improved concentration - A clear mind makes you more productive, especially in creative disciplines like writing.

    2.Less bothered by little things - Do you sometimes allow yourself to get upset by little things? It is the nature of the mind to magnify small things into serious problems. Meditation helps us detach. We learn to live in the here and now, rather than worrying about the past or future. We do not worry about meaningless things, but see the bigger picture.

    3.Better Health - There have been numerous studies pointing to the health benefits of meditation. The reason is that meditation reduces stress levels and alleviates anxiety. If we can reduce stress, many health benefits follow.

    4.Knowledge of Self - Meditation enables us to have a deeper understanding of our inner self. Through meditation we can gain a better understanding of our life’s purpose.

    Love & Blessings


  17. G The sleeping pills you took must have had starch as the active ingredient.

    If you want solutions, find them yourself. Contact <http//>

  18. we are all your friends.

  19. Choose again and start telling yourself, like you really mean it, that you are worthy and are able to (re)solve problems. Allow yourself in the early going to make mistakes and to realize you may still be acting a lot like all the other humans who make mistakes daily. Be honest with yourself when you do find resolution, even on the most simple of levels. Find appreciation and simple joy in the basics of life. Pretend like this is a new game, and instead of losing, the worst thing that can happen (from now on) is you forget to remember the humility in making mistakes. When something goes right, start saying, "what else can go right for me today?"

    Put to rest the self that is calling for death. Know that death will find you when you are truly ready. Know that death is not an end. Love the Child who still remembers that Life is an adventure and you are just getting started....really.

    Btw, this Answer is 98% for Me.

    Thanks for reading!

  20. Why do you want to die? Is my first question. You know asking for death is a sin along side commiting suicide. What is troubling you? Is you feel you have no one in your life try dating sites and going out meeting people, making freinds. I am sure there is someone in your life! Just wait let time take its course and you will find someone! But please stop trying to commit suicide. Everyone has their ups and downs so why dont you try and do something you enjoy? :)

  21. You can find it in your heart. Think of it this way, what are your problems?difficult. What if there are millions of people suffering much difficult than your problem. Don't focus on the negative side, focus on what you have. You may not have the "Popularity", but you have yourself. Live a new life each day, ALWAYS REMEMBER -

                       "  YOUR PAST DOESN'T DEFINE YOUR FUTURE"

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