
Is there a place maybe a website you can donate stuff?

by  |  earlier

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like recyclables or stuff like bikes for kids who can't afford them a website would be good or stuff like that or around that




  1. The

    when your on the sitepage tab thru all the other six tabs at the top for other to give to just hit the button on the website thats for giving do it every day pass the word its free the web provider pays the cost of giving when you hit the button.

    The site and rain forest and the animal chelter site are all on the tabsat the top of the site click them and the give to button on each site there are six total

    give without guilt and no cost. tell every body its free too.


  2. Your local United way may be able to direct you to such a site in your own community

    You may also want to go to the main Yahoo page click groups and pull up Freecycle   not everyone getting stuff through Freecycle is needy of course butsome are and you can choose who you want to give to.

  3. Try the National Alliance for Youth Sports. You can also contact the Boys and Girls Club or United Way.

  4. The Child Advocacy Team

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