
Is there a place that i can sell a car seat that is past experastion date??

by Guest58388  |  earlier

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I want to give it to a place that will destroy it cause it is over the date that is safe. Is there someplace that i can bring it that they will pay me for it??




  1. just burn it and skip one will buy it..

  2. Its not worth anything...........

    Remove all straps and padding.

    Use a permanent marker to label the seat with "Trash - Do not re-use"

    If possible, place the straps and padding into one trash can or bag, and the seat into another.

    This is to help prevent someone from taking your seat for reuse.

    Put the rest in your recycle trash pickup bin or just put it in the trash can.

  3. smash with a hammer and send to trash....try to go to seat maker on web..many have coupons and deals.

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