
Is there a place where you can get real ninja training?

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just wondering




  1. ninjitsu dojos. it is costly but its worth it

  2. look for ninjutsu schools. I really hope you are not talkin to me. Real Ninjutsu is in Japan. Go there if u want to be a ninja.

  3. Yes, but if you look for schools in the phone book or for materials off the web you are getting cheated. Most of the schools you will find are started by inidividuals that saw too many movies in the 80's. Don't just trust anyone that runs around in black pajamas and wears tabi boots. They like all other "ninja gear" can be bought cheap on the internet. If you find a school get the instructor to tell you about his styles lineage and do the research.

    Unfortunately ninjitsu is not like what you see in the movies. No one can teach you to disappear in a cloud of smoke or anything like that. If you are serious about learning ninja techniques do your research first and then go to the source.

  4. yah look it up it is called Ninj jitsu

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