
Is there a planned unmanned probe to Barnard's Star?

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Is there a planned unmanned probe to Barnard's Star?




  1. No.  The speed of spacecraft is still waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy tooooooooo ssssllllllllloooooowwwww to make any mission to any star (excluding our own sun, of course), no matter how close, not practical.  It would take thousands of years for the probe to get to even the nearest star, and then 4 or 5 years to get anything back from the probe, not to mention 4 or 5 years to send any instructions to the probe (if there were any instructions to be sent).


  2. Nope. none.  

  3. Yes, but scrapped.

  4. I highly doubt it as its still about 6 Lt years away , and at current tech would take 1000's of years to get there. However it is moving toward us at about 313,000 miles per hour soo in about the year 11,100 it will only be 3.7 light years away and by that time I would hope we have the tech to go there but then again I would hope that by that time we have moved far among the stars.

  5. Yes, there had been such projects, for example Project Daedalus. But these suffered strong from the fact, that our technology is actually still far away from such missions and so, the plans have been done with very big gaps inside them.

    Even though, you can claim that there had been planned unmanned probes, these had by no means been more than theoretical thought experiments.

    There is also "Project Long Shot" by NASA, which aims for Alpha Centaury - with similar big question marks on it's technological reality. We still have too many UNK-UNKs (Problems, which are not solved yet and of which we are still not even aware of) for interstellar travel, giving it a very high technological risk.  

  6. No. Interstellar travel is beyond our current abilities, or at least such travel in a reasonable time frame is beyond our current abilities.

    The Voyager probes are heading out into interstellar space just now, after 30 years in space. Even the closest stars are so far away that it will take thousands of years for these probes to get that far.

    We need to come up with better propulsion systems....

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