
Is there a point in asking a person if they're lying?

by  |  earlier

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when you already know they are?




  1. No point, they will just deny and keep lying.

  2. No, not really. It might give you a better indication that they are by their reaction, but if you know, you know.

  3. Yes there is a point, they will know that you are aware they are a liar.

  4. No, no point because they will just lie again...if you know, then you know...

  5. It's good you give them the benfit of the doubt, and a chance to come out with the truth.  Besides, sometimes you can be wrong, and there is just a huge miscommunication...

  6. i think there is a point- to see how much integrity they have - and to have them admit- to you- that they are indeed dishonest- which in turn they know will effect how you view them as a person/friend/family etc. some will see it as an opportunity to come clean and ask you to perhaps forgive their dishonesty or for others they simply got caught and have no remorse.- great way of figuring out someones character

  7. No, if they're really good liars, telling them you know they're lying won't even work. Just tell them you don't believe them. But if they're that sure of themselves they'll act like they don't care as long as they're honest with themselves. You'd be surprised how twisted they can be. Lying is like a bad habit. You can't get rid of it after you're used to it.

  8. No.

    If you ask them like we have done our brother so many times and he adds 10 other lies on top of the one he told to us.

  9. Don't ask.  Just spit on their shoes and say (using a tone of disgust) "how do sleep at night?"

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