When the car is running I thought the battery was being charged. To me it seems that there is going to be a cert amount of charge available at all times. Sometimes you use the max charge and sometimes you are not using the max charge.
An example I can think of is one of those cars that has a BIG stereo system in it, seems to me they use closer to the max charge and the same car without the BIG stereo is not using the max charge available. So to a point do both cars get the same gas mileage?
It is the same princlepal with one of these systems, I would think. As long as you were going to the max charge and more gas was not taken to run the car that the output of the higher octain fuel would be advantage.
I think really the only way to see for sure is to build one and try it out. Which I am doing right now, just waiting on a few parts.