
Is there a polite way to try to get off the phone with a friend who keeps gabbing & makes you late for stuff?

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I only talk to my friend out of state a few times a month so when we talk, we talk for a long time on the phone. Ive noticed that she seems to call when Im running late to get out the door as it is & we end up talking for hours & I keep watching the clock & thinking about how I need to get off the phone to get out the door. I have tried saying "I dont mean to cut you short, but I have to get off the phone & start getting ready here so Im not late" several times every time we talk & then she something like " yeah, I should prob let you go" & then keeps on gabbing away as Im anxiously looking at the clock & thinking of ways to politely get off the phone w/ her.

I dont want to be mean & I do enjoy talking to her but she has made me late several different times when she keeps on gabbing after Ive mentioned that I need to get off the phone. Is there a polite way to handle this situation??




  1. Your reluctance to stand up for yourself is your problem. You view standing up for yourself as being mean when in point of fact you are absolutely right. next time this happens, either ignore the phone and let the answering machine pick up or if you pick up and it is her, say Sorry, I'm running late and HANG UP. Simple. Then if she gets upset explain you were literally running out the door.

  2. come up with something like, oh i have a date now, i gotta go,


    dinner time! gotta go!

    then quickly hang up after, so she wont be able to protest. it works! believe me, i had the same prob.

    or you can fake someone calling your name, and be like okay one minute, and you say i got to go. see ya! :P good luck!

  3. say omg my phones on low bat!

  4. set a very loud audible timer for however much time you can talk while you are talking.  Be near it when it beeps and say, "whoops, I have got to go there is my timer.  I will call you back.  Ok, thanks!"  Her only possible reply to that can be either "ok" or 'goodbye".

  5. WHen she calls, set the standard at the beginning of the conversation.  "Oh, I'm so happy to hear from you.  I've got some time before my dentist appt so I can talk to you until 4:15 pm".  At 4:15 pm, say "Look at that!  4:15 pm already!  I'll talk to you later." Click.

  6. You say, "Hey! Listen.  I'm running late.  I'll call you back later.  Love you.  Bye."

  7. Try "uh house is on fire need to run"

    or  "I think I am having an aneurysm"


    sorry but you need to set some priority  up here kid!  "Hey listen I need to run I will call you back later, bye"

    Best of luck

  8. She is not interested in your affairs, only her talking. Either let the phone take messages when you will be going out, or get a doorbell like bell to put near the phone so then you can ring it and say to her 'Oh I gotta go theres the door!' OR and this is best, simply say' Its was so nice of you to call. I have to go now. Bye' and say it with firm loudness so she gets it. You are a doormat to her. Why you worry about being polite to someone like that is beyond me since she doesnt 'know' polite

  9. Thank her for calling.  Tell her you have to leave in a minute and promise to call her back.   Make sure to call her when you say you will.

  10. just tell her you've got to run and try to arrange a better time to talk on the phone when neither of you are busy.

  11. juz tell him .......................... **** offfff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. "I don't mean to cut our conversation short, but girl I gotta go. I'm late for an appointment. I'm so sorry. I'll try and call you back as soon as I can later on today. Okay?"

  13. try to lead the conversation to an end if that doesnt work just flat out tell them hey i am running late for a fill in your blank here...let me call you back when i get done tell them the truth if they keep talking just say i got to go talk to you later and hang up

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