
Is there a political discussion board on the net that has NOT been taken over by partisan extremist fanatics?

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I'm sure I'm not alone in this quest. I'd just like to find a discussion board that isn't populated with fanatics who are there not to enter into thoughtful discussion of the issues at hand, but only to browbeat or whine about people they don't agree with. If anyone knows of such a board, I'd sure love to find out about it. Thanks!




  1. If you find it let me know.

    Somewhere... Over the rainbow...

  2. Apparently not. Americans really seem to treat their political affiliations like their favorite sports teams; blindly following "their team" and trashing the opposition. It's not very healthy for our democracy which needs dissention and active participation to thrive.

  3. That doesn't exist.

    Not on the Internet or in life.

    Either way you will get extremist fanatics and whiners.

  4. No. The political debate in this country takes place at the extremes. It might be the fault of the news media that needs a sharp contrast for entertainment purposes. But it’s probably mostly because people at the extremes are more energetic than people at the center of politics.

    Anyway, it carries over into the internet and invades every forum. Sorry.

  5. I don't think you're alone in your quest at all.  To be honest, I find it frustrating that conservatives and liberals are so partisan about their rights when in the final analysis they have limited those of us who have neither conservative nor liberal beliefs.  I call this political "terrorism."  They are denying my right of free speech by using tactics taken from the Gestapo and the KGB.  They typically use the phrase: "all other ideas outside the conservative/liberal spectrum are impractical."

    For example, I have tried to engage conservatives with the idea of ending the Drug War.  I have used arguments that it would end violence between gangs, it would lower drug prices, it would take out the enormous profits now being earned out of it.  But, conservatives insist it is their duty to prevent mature adults from making individual choices.

    I have also tried to engage liberals with the idea of closing all US military bases outside the US and withdrawing all US troops from outside the US.  Most, if not, all liberals have told me they want to withdraw from Iraq.  This does absolutely nothing to change American foreign policy.  If liberals were so anti-war, they would want a total closure and withdrawal, but it seems they want to continue a failed foreign policy since the days of the Spanish-American War of 1898.

    If you hear of such a board please let me know as well.

  6. Where is the fun in that?

  7. There is no such thing as a political discussion board that isn't roverrun by extremist fanatics.  A place like this should be fairly neutral but if politics is being discussed it wil either be found by the crazies or bring the crazy out of everyone.

  8. No, to the partisan extremist nothing is sacred.

  9. Discussion boards on the internet are entertainment, at best.  Unless there is complete disclosure of identities and accountability for what's posted, you'll get fanatics.  Now agree with me, or else. ;)

  10. you are soooooooooooo crazy. where ever it is it is not here. 1 out of 20 ask a real question, the rest are way out there.

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