
Is there a political term that describes the fanatical delusions of genocidal political groups?

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Today the n**i party insists that it never caused any genocide in Germany during the 1930's and 1940's.

Today the Democratic party insists that it never caused the genocide of Africans in the United States between 1791 and 1865.

Both of these genocides are well documented and easily researchable.

Is there a word, in any language, that describes the fanatical delusion necessary to reject reality that n***s and Democrats engage in?

Maybe a psychological term that describes this kind of political fanaticism and purposeful ignorance/rejection of reality?

To be accurate the term would have to describe a person or group who believes that their sick delusions, ignorance and rejection of reality are what is "best" and the political actions that they take will actually help people, no matter how much damage they cause.

I can't find such a word or term in any language and I was wondering if one existed.





  1. Check out "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg

  2. Self induced delusional psychosis?

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