
Is there a ******* population in Argentina? Chile?if not why?

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Is there a ******* population in Argentina? Chile?if not why?




  1. not at all. argentina may have more negroes than chile but that only reflects its larger population. as a share of the overall pop neither arg nor chile have very many balck people. the onews u find in argentina are mostly form brazil and peru. in chile the few u see are from peru mostly.

    that said i remember a missouri gf i had who said she was racist because she was 11 when she saw the first black person ever and "i though he was an alien or whatever", she said.

    same happens in chile. people here are not used to different people, so if ur a ***** they will remind u of that every time. i was amazed the other day on a red light... guys on the pick up of a pick up truck were yelling something at the driver. when i payed attention they were calling him ***** ***** *****, just for fun, and the driver was laughing cuz he already knew howthe idiosincracy is here... if u look different theyll let u know that. if ur a homo, theyll let u know that. f ur chinese, same thig... but its not hate racism, its just joking.

  2. Actually. All the important cities of the Spanish colonies received slave trade from Africa, as the measles that Europeans brought to the new continent killed off most of the local labor force. Santiago (Chile) and Rio de la Plata (Argentina) were "Capitanias", that is, military enclaves in the frontiers of the territories of the Spanish crown. Since they had little economic power during the colonial times, their reception of black slaves was minimal to non-existent.

    Thus, descendants of dark skin are only from recent immigration to Chile and Argentina, while in countries like Venezuela, Colombia and Peru, there is a large population of descendants from the original slaves.

  3. Argentina never had a significant slave trade the way the other latin american countries did. I dont know about chile.

  4. im not sure abot chile but i think there isnt. im sure that there isnt in argentina cause i live there. there are very few colour ppl, most of them are from a recent inmigration.

    there was large ******* population during the virreynato (colonial times) but im afraid a lot of them died due to their condition of salves. apart from that, Argentina abolished slavery in 1813, before the rest of the countries, but they couldnt get a job so they had to move to other countries, like brazil

  5. Nope, just very tan people, especially in Chile. In Argentina you can find very tan blondes.

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