
Is there a portable energy system that recharges is selve for cars and if not will there ever be such a system

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will the automotive companies ever make a system that recharges it selve and have no need for refueling or a stationary rechargeing port.




  1. The hybrids like the Prius use regenerative braking which is basically capturing the momentum and using it to charge the battery.

    Also you could buy an electric car and carry around a generator to charge it but that wouldn't be very eco-conscious if you burned fossil fuels.

    As for what the automotive industry might do: The future's wide open. Who the h**l knows?

  2. Solar pannels.

  3. The space station produces electricity from solar panels and the automotive industry could design systems. One problem is the billions of dollars made by the oil industry whose interest is combustion and therefore emissions. I heard Exxon or one of these companies made a 400 billion dollar net profit in 3 months.

    The Canadian Auto Industry has been told to reduce emissions and their leadership say there will be job loss instead of understanding the bigger picture. The emissions from their vehicles are killing their own children but they offset the health problems by making money.

    The toxicity ratio in newborns is 100% and a fetus will be in a 911 crisis from conception. Go to and click on the picture of the fetus to see the report.

    Your questions are very important, use it when you vote to promote the environment. I promote the environment because I enjoy breathing. I can also share that I tested a gas pill that was supposed to save gas? I called BS until I did the research. There was a gas pill that was a fraud, this one reduced vehicle emissions by 75% to 100%, all they did was make fuel burn hotter and for 2 bucks.

  4. Nuclear battery.   It uses the heat of nuclear decay to produce electricity that is stored in a battery or used to run the appliance (sattelites so far).     It was discovered a couple years ago that when a certain radio active element was bombarded with xrays it produced 9X as much power as the xrays consumed.   The element has a half life of 30 years, so it could be used for the life of a vehicle, then taken out and put into another vehicle.   It only emmited alpha particles, so would be safe for civilian use.

  5. Recharge itself with what? I don't get the question

  6. Two problems with PV panels, they are not that environmentally friendly and there are limited resources of silica, an major ingredient in PV panels.

    Euope passed or is passing environmental legislation for the automobile industry, they kicked up a stink, but as soon as it was passed, they just got on with it!

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